
i hate you but i love u .♥


love is funny. sometimes happy sometimes hate.
but, I care about him. I love the nature of her maturity.
I hope he can give the best for me.
but in this world where there is as perfect as what I want, hehe.
love u ahh . ^^

bingung banget deh ,, hari ini ada aja cobaan nya .
nama nya juga hidup ya gini2 aja , kadang ada cobaan nya kadang kagak , trus da gitu dateng nya tiba2..
arghh kesell banget dhe .

oh iaa dari pada ngmgin gth kagak ada habisnya deeh .'

solutionnya menurut gw :
" yah . coba trima apa adanya pasang kamu , nama nya manusia ga ada yang bisa sempurna apa lagi sesuai dengan kemauan kita ni , tapi harus saling intropeksi aja , sama saling ngelengkapin satu sama lain , siapa tau bisa 'into a comfortable pair for the living dehh .'
Tanpa cinta di dunia ini

"there is no such thing as love / love each other / do not have people who love us and are special in our lives, we might as well be nothing in this world " .


bored +_-

if you know how I feel right now, actually I'm mad at you, I would not forbid you this much, I just want you to realize her own. I give you freedom, I hope you keep it.

I think you're different from the first, what is this all just my feeling it. oh, really confused because the thinking about it.


have not been posting.

hm . sudah lama tidak posting ni ,
sekarang tanggal 5 maret , bentar lagi menghadapi UN . ya gw berharap si bisa dapetin nilaii yg memuaskan . & gw berharap semua teman2 gw bisa dapet hasill yg baik banget n so ppasti harus kudu lulus :) oukeh
gw cuma bisa bilang :

“I have to study hard. I'm sure I will be blessed god because god is always along with me, without him, I was nothing in this world. I should be happy my parents and in every achievement that I can to make me proud, Lord bless me, protect me with the power of your blood, Lead me in your hand yes my father. God the Father in Heaven. I want to you always along with me so I was ready to face obstacles in front of me, Lord teach me to not abandon you .. Do not know why you want to forgive me of his many mistakes. Lord thank you so much for what they have given everything to me. Thank God gives family really loved me and took care of me and always give the best for me.”