
i hate you but i love u .♥


love is funny. sometimes happy sometimes hate.
but, I care about him. I love the nature of her maturity.
I hope he can give the best for me.
but in this world where there is as perfect as what I want, hehe.
love u ahh . ^^

bingung banget deh ,, hari ini ada aja cobaan nya .
nama nya juga hidup ya gini2 aja , kadang ada cobaan nya kadang kagak , trus da gitu dateng nya tiba2..
arghh kesell banget dhe .

oh iaa dari pada ngmgin gth kagak ada habisnya deeh .'

solutionnya menurut gw :
" yah . coba trima apa adanya pasang kamu , nama nya manusia ga ada yang bisa sempurna apa lagi sesuai dengan kemauan kita ni , tapi harus saling intropeksi aja , sama saling ngelengkapin satu sama lain , siapa tau bisa 'into a comfortable pair for the living dehh .'
Tanpa cinta di dunia ini

"there is no such thing as love / love each other / do not have people who love us and are special in our lives, we might as well be nothing in this world " .

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